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"His face reddened."I believe that most were too scared of me to lie about it," he continued embarrassedly. "I hope I have not crossed a boundary. Outside of me, I expect nine of the 40 to continue: Fieth, Renoit and Darnot are sons of nobility; Tolic, Wanner, Nooth and Turco have sent relatives that are solid. Crenal and Armur sent men who are pretty definite, simply because there is little choice for them. Their family's holdings are too small to support them and they will never land a spot in someone else's army."Torbert was listening carefully."What of Lippit?" he asked.Jorgarn looked at the floor."He is unlikely to stay if he cannot lead," Jorgarn said. "He obviously cannot lead so he will leave. It is simply a question of if he will leave in whole or in pieces." He has angered you?" the King asked."He has gone against the expressed wishes of someone I respect, Sire," Jorgarn said. "Two people, I have come to find out. If it is at all possible I would prefer to leave it at that.. I said I spent to much money that night and it will be a little while before I can go again. He said no not that, I want to have sex with your wife. At the moment my wife spoke up, she had been around the corner listening. She came in the den and said well come on I'm already wet. She took Keith's hand and led him to our room. Again I tried to enter and again Keith pushed me back and locked the door. I went into the den and starting watching TV. I looked at the time and it was five after twelve noon. A movie had just started and I got caught up in watcwhing it. It was a two hour movie and he was back there the full two hours. I heard the door unlock and Keith came down the hall. He was fastening his belt. He said sloppy seconds are on if you are in the mood. He laughed and left. As he was backing down the drive I walked back to my wife. She was laying on her back with her legs spread. Her eyes where closed. As I crawled into the bed she opened her eyes and and asked I were hungry. I.
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